While Vietnamese cuisine overseas is often referred to as pho and banh mi, Vietnamese cuisine as a whole is a symphony of flavors with interesting textures, fresh and pungent.
The Vietnamese love their food and the chefs make the most of each region's rich produce and special ingredients to craft their meals. Northern food is known for its simplicity and healthiness; Central dishes are rich in spice and quantity; Southerners like extra sugar. Wherever you travel across the S-shaped country, you're sure to be fine dining. Here are 10 must-try dishes when coming to Vietnam:
1. Goi cuon: Referring to Vietnam, many foreign tourists know about fried spring rolls, but a "fresh", lighter and more frugal dish is spring rolls. Thin slices of pork with shrimp, lettuce, herbs and vermicelli are tightly wrapped in a thin rice paper, then dipped in a dipping sauce.
2. Banh xeo: Banh xeo is a savory cake made from rice flour and a little turmeric powder, inside sprinkled with ground pork, shrimp and bean sprouts. The cake is usually wrapped in lettuce or thin rice paper with some herbs and dipped with fish sauce.
3. Bun rieu: This dish has many variations but basically has a broth made from crabs and tomatoes. Crab fat give the dish an attractive aroma, while tomatoes will add red color and a slight sour taste to the broth. Bun rieu often uses small noodles, with side dishes that can be meatballs, pork belly, fried tofu, fish, snails.
4. Braised meat: To prepare this addictive dish, cubed pork pieces are braised in sugar and fish sauce until soft and nicely browned. Served in a clay pot, this dish is best enjoyed with boiled rice and vegetables. Those who do not like fatty meat and like to eat seafood-seafood can try instead with braised fish.
5. Bun bo Hue: Sometimes people just call it bun bo, the word attached to Hue denotes the origin of the dish coming from the ancient land Hue in Vietnam. Beef broth is prepared with lots of lemongrass, seasoned with fish sauce, cashew oil. Unlike normal vermicelli, beef vermicelli is round, large, slippery and slightly chewy, eaten with meats, bean sprouts, and herbs. The dish is a great balance between all the sour, spicy, salty, sweet flavors in one bowl.
6. Stir-fried morning glory with garlic: Morning glory is a popular vegetable due to the climate in Vietnam. The most delicious way is to stir-fry with garlic, can add a little water and sugar. Although the processing is simple, it can produce results that exceed expectations.
7. Cao Lau: Hoi An specialty noodles must be tried when coming to the old town. It is said that the water used to make this dish is taken from the ancient Ba Le well and the yellow color of the noodles is mixed with ashes of Melaleuca firewood from the land of Cu Lao Cham island. In the bowl are also thinly sliced pork, crispy rice cakes and some herbs, then mixed with the broth in the bowl. This blend creates an intriguing flavor.
8. Banh cuon: Banh cuon is a thin cake made from rice flour, usually wrapped with ground meat and wood ear, then covered with a layer of fried shallot and dipped with fish sauce. Can be served with patties or eggs. Should eat rolls when still hot and soft.
9. Bun Cha: Originating from Hanoi, bun cha is one of the most popular dishes in the capital of Vietnam. Slices of pork and pork balls are grilled over charcoal, when used, they will be placed in a bowl of dipping sauce, while the vermicelli is placed separately on a plate. Served with herbs and raw vegetables.
10. Mango Salad: If you're craving something fresh and light, this salad is just what you're looking for. Carrots, mango and some herbs are mixed together in a signature sauce. Then sprinkle on top of dried shrimp or beef, add crispy fried shallot, roasted peanuts to increase the crunchiness of the dish.
anyfuninvietnam.com - All things you need in Vietnam.